List of products by brand KORTE-PHI

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01. Amethyst Deceiver 15 ml.

(Laccaria amethystina) Acts on the third eye, releases internal transformation processes. The elixir helps to achieve openness, to complete a process. Emotional "venen" are released first, and then deactivated.

€16.66 Price

01. Cactus Shadow 15 ml.

(Caralluma russelliana) (East Africa)The essence of this cactus acts at the level of the solar plexus. It helps in the process of becoming aware of our dark parts, our "sombra". The shadow belongs to the world of the unconscious, to what

€16.66 Price

02. Cactus Radiation Protection 15 ml.

(Cereus peruvianus) (Peru) The biggest property of this cactus and its energy essence is the protection of all types of theluric irradiations, electronic devices, etc. and negative influences. Thanks to this protection it is possible

€16.66 Price

02. Slippery Jack 15 ml.

(Suillus luteus) Acts on the root causes of feelings of guilt and shame, facilitating their awareness. His action frees the blockades that come from these feelings, going to the root of the problem.

€16.66 Price

03. Cactus Release 15 ml.

(Fusca spray) (Canaries) Helps to recognize the dark sides and accept them. The essence acts in depth to the unconscious, to the cellular consciousness. It also contributes to finding old negative experiences or blockades, and with this

€16.66 Price

03. Common Puffball 15 ml.

(Lycoperdon perlatum) The elixir acts on the fontanelle: opening of the 7th chakra. It favors a relationship with the upper planes and allows you to remain calm and focused whatever happens. Protection and delimitation. Relationship to the high,

€16.66 Price

04. Cactus Interior cleaning 15 ml.

(Cleistocactus ritteri) It stimulates the internal assimilation without complications and the "digestion" of all internal impressions and events.

€16.66 Price

04. Fly Agaric 15 ml.

The elixir has a powerful action from the 6th chakra upwards. It maintains the energetic cleansing of the information of psychotropic remedies and similar products. Favors positive access to others

€16.66 Price

05. Cactus Uric cleaning 15 ml.

(Clesitocactus strausii) As its name indicates, this essence cleanses and regenerates the aura especially at the astral body level. For this reason it is advised to use in cases such as: energetic parasites, lagoons and holes in the astral body, for the

€16.66 Price

05. Grey Coral Fungus 15 ml.

(Clavulina cinerea) Elixir has a strongly stimulating action on the mental plane. It energetically stimulates the processes of the nervous system, as well as those of perception and thought. Intellect and intuition are harmonized.

€16.66 Price

06. Cactus Barril Dorado 15 ml.

(Echinocactus grusonii) (Mexico) Almohadon de Suegra. This essence helps us in the learning process and to be able to act from the center of oneself. That is why it is very indicated in those people who suffer too much influence

€16.66 Price

06. Horn of Plenty 15 ml.

(Craterellus cornucopioids) The elixir allows you to integrate shadows, relate to the earth and free yourself from the blockades. Strongly related to the earth, it puts us in contact with the physical, deep, gloomy aspect. The energies

€16.66 Price

07. Cactus Beauty 15 ml.

(Echinocereus scheeri var. Kochresianus) (Mexico)The essence of this beautiful cactus serves to develop heat and beauty through the heart. It favors qualities such as simplicity, modesty, humility and hope. It is advised for

€16.66 Price

07. Clavaria 15 ml.

(Clavariadelphus pistillaris) The elixir relates us directly to our superior self (from the 8th chakra). Through this contact, we can clearly recognize what is just and important to us at this time and can

€16.66 Price

08. Cactus Inspiration 15 ml.

(Echinopsis oxygona) (Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina) This essence has an important action on the third eye favoring the clarity of thoughts and thus a more luminous vision of life. Purifies thoughts, not allowing

€16.66 Price

08. Clustered Tough Shank 15 ml.

(Collybia confluens) The elixir acts on our "earths of the spirit", and widens the lightning of our perceptions. We become more sensitive to the energy planes. Action on hair at the level of information,

€16.66 Price

09. Cactus Autoestimates 15 ml.

(Ferocactus schwarzii) (Mexico)The strength of the essence of this cactus fortifies the first chakra, stability and bond with the earth. It strengthens natural defenses, confidence and self-esteem. Favor a better group consciousness,

€16.66 Price

09. Trumpet Funnel Cap 15 ml.

(Clitocybe geotropa) Release the blockades and disorders of the 1st and 2nd chakra. It strengthens vitality and energetically cleanses the information of the poisons of the parasitic fungi. Your action cleans and detoxifies energetically.

€16.66 Price

10. Aleuria 15 ml.

(Aleuria aurantia) Elixir improves the balance between matter and spirit, both for people too attached to matter and for those who focus only on the spirit and do not pay attention to the needs of the

€16.66 Price

10. Cactus Here and Now 15 ml.

(Hilocereus undatus) (Caribe) The energy of this cactus helps us to accept ourselves as we are and also our present existence, to love and to become aware of the importance of the present moment, here and now. Thanks to this

€16.66 Price

11. Cactus Internal Force 15 ml.

(Mammillaria tigrandis) (Mexico) It exercises protective action on internal processes. It gives stability and protection. Strengthen the organs and tissues loaded. His action is purifying. Balance the energies too loaded by offering

€16.66 Price

11. Parasol 15 ml.

(Macrolepiota procera) To recognize and develop its potential, discover its true grandeur and accept it.

€16.66 Price

12. Cactus Arándano 15 ml.

(Myrtillocactus geometrizans) (USA) Learn the limitation and protection at the level of the 4th chakra and our feelings. It also allows to recognize and appreciate good things, which is not necessary to retain, and that we can be fully

€16.66 Price

12. Velvet Shank 15 ml.

(Flammulina velutipes) Elixir delivers lightness and freshness for new thinking schemes. It helps to drop old schemes by bringing a new, life-giving and bubbling wind.

€16.66 Price

13. Cactus Opuntia Alegria 15 ml.

(Opuntia cardiosperma) (Paraguay) Thanks to the energy of this essence we can open ourselves to the joy and lightness of life. In times of strong emotional problems, it gives us confidence and faith in the process of this existence.

€16.66 Price

13. Many-zoned Polypore 15 ml.

(Trametes versicolor) The elixir improves the perception of ourselves and thus helps us in times of great crisis and changes. Strengthen our limits to strange energies and our protection of energies

€16.66 Price

14. Cactus Opuntia Connection with Earth 15 ml.

(Opuntia dejecta) (Cuba) This essence helps us to connect with the earth, as it activates the first chakra. It allows us to take a stronger stance before life and focus on ourselves thus achieving inner peace. It's better.

€16.66 Price

14. Summer Cep 15 ml.

(Boletus aestivalis or reticulatus) The elixir relates to the force of the earth, and reinforces us through this solid anchor. It provides energy protection to the entire organism.

€16.66 Price

15 ml of watercress.

Very energetic essence, increases our life force. In times of inner darkness it gives us inner guidance. It helps us become aware of our shadow and our unconscious fears that limit us. It helps us to perceive what we dislike, to accept and love people we would otherwise reject. To forgive our own shadow, but also our enemies, and thus find inner peace.

€20.50 Price

15 ml.

Remedy for impatience and irritability. In general it is a matter of restless, nervous, tense and intolerant people with the rhythms and slowness of others.

€10.46 Price

15. Cactus Vital Force 15 ml.

(Orbea variegata) (Transvaal, South Africa) As its name indicates this essence allows us to connect with the Earth, with its vital strength and thus enhance our vitality. It also has the ability to remove "parasites"

€16.66 Price

15. Clean 15 ml.

(Caloplaca flavescens) Elixir has a skin-friendly energy action. Facilitates contact with the "exterior" world, allowing to establish new contacts.

€16.66 Price

16. Cactus Inside-Out 15 ml.

(Pilosocereus pachycladus) (Brazil) The energy of this essence allows to protect and regenerate the energy of the skin, expanding it and opening it to allow greater awareness. Encourages the exchange of internal/external and

€16.66 Price

16. Vesuv Lichen 15 ml.

(Sterecaulon vesivianum) To start a new life again, after the difficulties. The elixir reinforces the will (even with small steps).

€16.66 Price

17. Night Queen Cactus 15 ml.

(Selenicereus grandiflorus)Not by chance this essence was elaborated on the island of Apocalypsis, (Patmos), as it is an energy of hope that transmits light in the dark. Act as a purifier to clean our thoughts and

€16.66 Price

17. You read 15 ml.

The elixir facilitates access to the third eye, bringing the clarity of intuition; cleanses the flow of energy between the chakras and the different planes of energy. Anchor of balanced energy at cellular level.

€16.66 Price

18. Cactus Love 15 ml.

(Seticereus icosagonus) (Ecuador - South America) The warm energy of this cactus provides stability and protection in sexuality. It contributes to awareness of sexual energies, stimulating and energetizing. It also regenerates the

€16.66 Price

18. Jelly Tongue 15 ml.

(Pseudohydnum gelatinosum) Elixir favors refining its center, the concentration to get out of indecision. It energetically strengthens the cell structure and helps our own vital force (heat) to pile up in our center instead

€16.66 Price

19. Amazon Hongo not 1 - 15 ml.

(Cordyceps) Elixir sustains and purifies the 2nd chakra and kidney area. Its action is very deep and allows to evacuate the emotional poisons that are installed on the body level.

€16.66 Price

19. Noble Heart Cactus 15 ml.

(Stenocereus marginalatus) (Mexico) This essence stimulates the energy of the heart chakra, helping to develop its qualities of: nobility, beauty, firmness and love, allowing them to feel more strongly and clearly. Another of its functions is

€16.66 Price

20. Amazon Hongo not 2 - 15 ml.

(Pycnoporus sanguineus) Allows good rooting. Stimulate your feet intensively. The first chakra is related to the earth.

€16.66 Price

20. Star Cactus Earth 15 ml.

(Stopelia desmetiana) (South Africa) The energy of this cactus acts at the level of the first chakra, improving our rooting with the Earth. It facilitates emotional "detoxification." Energy boosts the kidneys and kidneys

€16.66 Price

21. Abedul Yesquero - 15 ml.

It strengthens energetically the immune system and the processes of degradation and purification in the body. This essence can help in detoxification cures (hongos in the body).

€16.66 Price

22. Schopftintling - 15 ml.

Coprinus comatus

deep hidden blockades caused by criticism and uncertainty are expressed and therefore can be detectedand be transformed.

€16.66 Price

AD-1 Arnika - Anti-drugs

Connect the body with the Higher Self after a shock or trauma. Use in cases of drug addiction.

€15.00 Price

AD-4 - Recognition

It helps us to recognize our bad habits and shortcomings. It has a liberating and purifying effect.

€15.00 Price

AD-5 RQ7

In case of emergency: fatigue, strokes, mild trauma (e.g. after surgery)Available in spray, too.

€15.00 Price

AD-8 F - Purifier

(Amanita muscaria)
It helps to clean our physical and subtle bodies from wastes of psychiatric drugs and similar substances.

€15.00 Price

AD-9 D - Cleaner

Help clean. (Crystal, chemical drugs)

€15.00 Price

Agata 15 ml.

It provides protection, strength and connection to the earth; it conveys a deep sense of security.

€13.50 Price

Agrimony 15 ml.

"What's inside is outside." By the time they hide concerns after an apparent joy and joy.

€10.46 Price

Aguamarine 15 ml.

The enormous waves of clear light of the aquamarine have profound purifying and decongesting effects above all our body, especially throughout the column and more specifically in the area of the nuca, throat and jaw.

€13.50 Price

Alga Essence 15 ml.

(Caulerpa racemosa) This essence has a purifying and energizing action. Life information is channeled from the spiritual plane through mental and emotional to the cellular and realigned consciousness. It stimulates self-curing processes.

€20.50 Price

Aloe 15 ml

SABILA / Aloe Aloe striata

It favors inner balance and helps in the therapies that try to provoke a reaction to release long-repressed anguish, tension and trauma. Useful in case of exhaustion. It renews vital forces when we have spent too much energy. Bring the inner balance.

€16.66 Price

Amazon 15 ml.

This gem is closely linked to the current evolution of Planet Earth and is therefore a magnificent companion of our own evolutionary processes. It allows us to feel an integral part of Nature and better connect

€13.50 Price

Amazon Cream

For energetically blocked areas.

€23.00 Price

Amethyst 15 ml.

Interiorization. His power to mitigate both physical and moral pain (colera, anxiety, melancholy) helps to deepen ourselves and get to know us better. Clarify dreams and allow us to transmute old habits in forms

€13.50 Price

Anaconda Essential 15 ml.

(Crocodrylus acutus)When ancient traditions and samples no longer correspond, this essence makes us aware of how to free ourselves from it in order to overcome us internally.

€20.50 Price

Anagalis 15 ml.

(Anagalis arvensis)

€13.50 Price

Anemone Essence 15 ml.

(Stichodactyla mertensii) Strengthens group consciousness and its cohesion. Help to discern what goes together.

€20.50 Price

Angel Anauel 15 ml.

It helps us to understand the meaning of matter and money and to apply them

€20.98 Price

Angel Ariel 15 ml.

It has a calming effect. It helps us to trust our intuition and our inner voice

€20.98 Price

Angel Asaliah 15 ml.

It helps us to develop compassion and tolerance others and their personal truths.

€20.98 Price

Angel Ayael 15 ml.

It helps us to better understand cosmic truths and divine law. It can also help free us from weight or materialism and to be free within us.

€20.98 Price

Angel Damabiah15 ml.

It gives vitality and courage. It helps us in difficult situations and during travel.

€20.98 Price

Angel Daniel 15 ml.

It helps us to understand that behind everything there is always a higher sense. Everything responds to the divine will. It gives us energy and vitality.

€20.98 Price

Angel Glemiah 15 ml.

For a deep understanding of divine justice. We understand the principle of cause and effect.

€20.98 Price

Angel Haamiah 15 ml.

For inner and outer peace. It helps us understand what is important to us

€20.98 Price

Angel Habuhiah 15 ml.

Helps to support us energetically in the neck chakra and mouth region. It cleanses us energetically and supports our health. It is also suitable for animals

€20.98 Price