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They constitute the purest manifestations of the mineral kingdom and are characterized by having a compenetration effect with the Earth and compensating the energies of the physical body (in addition to some individual effects).


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Agata 15 ml.

It provides protection, strength and connection to the earth; it conveys a deep sense of security.

€13.50 Price

Aguamarine 15 ml.

The enormous waves of clear light of the aquamarine have profound purifying and decongesting effects above all our body, especially throughout the column and more specifically in the area of the nuca, throat and jaw.

€13.50 Price

Amazon 15 ml.

This gem is closely linked to the current evolution of Planet Earth and is therefore a magnificent companion of our own evolutionary processes. It allows us to feel an integral part of Nature and better connect

€13.50 Price

Amethyst 15 ml.

Interiorization. His power to mitigate both physical and moral pain (colera, anxiety, melancholy) helps to deepen ourselves and get to know us better. Clarify dreams and allow us to transmute old habits in forms

€13.50 Price

Black Turmaline 15 ml.

It helps in self-control, discipline and stability. It serves as a protective shield of negative forces. Contrarresta irradiations own of computers, TV screens, electrical appliances and other types of harmful waves.

€13.50 Price

Blonde 15 ml.

It stimulates and intensifies the vital forces of the body thanks to better blood circulation. Both its red-fire tones and the heat its vibration brings, make it a perfect healer for the evils of the heart. That's where

€13.50 Price

Blue sapphire 15 ml.

It inspires and reassures; solves fears and encourages sleep.

€13.50 Price

Blue Topaz 15 ml.

It promotes artistic creativity and inspiration. The essence acts as a tranquilizer and clearer at the mental level.

€13.50 Price

Blue Turmaline 15 ml.

This gem for its bluish dye calms the nervous system balancing the functioning of the organism. The serenity that contributes to the physical body gives us the necessary basis for the development of the vision of the Third Eye.

€13.50 Price

Celeste or Dentridic crystal 15 ml.

Gem with clear moderating and relaxing effects. It eases tensions at the level of 1st and 2nd chakra and helps to make their release progressively. Effective also in blockades at the level of the 5th farm.

€13.50 Price

Citrino 15 ml.

The great purifying power. The endocrine system is particularly benefiting from this gem. Its action releases tensions at the solar plexus level with detoxifying effects on kidneys and skin. Combat depression and stimulate us to an attitude

€13.50 Price

Copper 15 ml.

For vitalization and cleanliness, speed up self- and foster optimism, harmony and protection.

€13.50 Price

Coral 15 ml.

It brings energy stimulation, helps dissolve blockades, promotes self-curing processes and acts by reconstituting.

€13.50 Price

Crisoberyl 15 ml.

It promotes mental capacity, balance and cleanliness. The essence energetically supports the eyes.

€13.50 Price

Diamond 15 ml.

Symbol of clarity, purity and enlightenment. Great healer. Eliminates blockages and negativity that interfere in vibrational treatments. Indicated for anxiety, insecurity and lack of self-esteem. Bring light to the dark parts of

€13.50 Price

Diamond Herkimer 15 ml.

It is applied for cleaning and clarification at all levels, supports meditation and sleep.

€13.50 Price

Emerald 15 ml.

The healing force of the Emerald works at many levels: apacigua, vivifies, magnetizes and tones acting with great depth on our physical body. Its feminine and harmonizing quality is said to open us to levels of consciousness very

€13.50 Price

Fire Opalo 15 ml.

It stimulates our creativity, helps to release blockades and promotes the strength of the initiative.

€13.50 Price

Fit 15 ml.

For tranquility, clarification, concentration and meditation. The essence is adequate as a support in regression work.

€13.50 Price

Fluorite 15 ml.

Calms and relaxes; increases concentration capacity.

€13.50 Price

Garnet 15 ml.

Energy support, and strengthens self-confidence and willpower.

€13.50 Price

Gold 15 ml.

It symbolizes vitality, active energy, as well as strengthening solar plexus and willpower.

€13.50 Price

Hematite 15 ml.

Invigorating effects that act on the blood, favor the oxygenation and assimilation of iron, proteins and vitamins. It strengthens the mood, self-esteem and self-confidence.

€13.50 Price

Lapiszlazuli 15 ml.

Tranquilizes and strengthens intuition and clarification. It helps eliminate blockades, protects against negativity and increases compassion and goodness.

€13.50 Price

Magnetite 15 ml.

It acts by balancing and cleaning; fosters the connection with nature. The essence gives strength and courage and increases Yang strength.

€13.50 Price

Malachite 15 ml.

It balances the farms; it provides cleansing, understanding, love and joy of living.

€13.50 Price

Moldavita 15 ml.

It balances the chakras and supports meditation. The essence is appropriate to strengthen access to intuitive knowledge.

€13.50 Price

Obsidian 15 ml.

To obtain stability, clarification and cleansing of mental forces. Intellect and intuition unite harmoniously.

€13.50 Price

Olivino 15 ml.

Develop mental capacities. Calms and stabilizes emotions. It has calm and balanced action of the physical body. The digestive system and especially the spleen receive the effects of this gem allowing better assimilation and

€13.50 Price

Pearl 15 ml.

For emotional protection and balance. The essence reinforces sensitivity and intuition.

€13.50 Price

Pink quartz 15 ml.

Because of its pink color it acts specifically on the emotional center releasing the heart of tensions. It stimulates us to tenderness and generosity.

€13.50 Price

Platinum 15 ml.

It stimulates psychic strength, provides access to intuition and energy balance.

€13.50 Price

Red Jasper 15 ml.

It helps the heart energetically. The essence acts by protecting, gives strength during situations of fear and connects with the earth.

€13.50 Price

Rock crystal 15 ml.

The rainbow reflected in the center of this crystal is a good simile of the Light that dwells within each human being. The great power both emitting and receiving this gem helps unlock and energet vital centers (chacras)

€13.50 Price

Rutilated Quartz 15 ml.

It helps us find the roots of problems and allows light to penetrate the dark parts of the soul.

€13.50 Price

Silver 15 ml.

It promotes intuition, emotional protection, sensitivity, fantasy and dreams.

€13.50 Price

Smoked Quartz 15 ml.

The healing properties of the smoked quartz have been compared to those of the laser beam. Its high vibrational frequency and enormous healing powers make it a great exceptional gem that can help the human being to change for

€13.50 Price

Stoneluna 15 ml.

This gem is like a mirror that gives us softened by its sweetness any emotional excess. Power our feminine qualities by stimulating creativity (pinal gland) by inspiring balance and harmony. Dismantling and cleaning

€13.50 Price

Sugilita Azul 15 ml.

A liberating and tranquilizing action. Indicated for meditation, visions and transpersonal processes.

€13.50 Price

Sugilita Violeta 15 ml.

It helps to integrate spirituality into our life. It acts by cleaning, fostering emotional harmony and helping to eliminate sadness and melancholy.

€13.50 Price

Sunstone 15 ml.

It helps dissolve blockages of the solar plexus; it acts by cleaning, vitalizing and stimulating. The essence balances our willpower.

€13.50 Price

Tiger eye 15 ml.

It supports mental concentration and the ability to see clearly.

€13.50 Price

Topaz 15 ml.

The golden vibration of this gem intensifies our senses and helps to concentrate. It brings Light and inspiration by fostering creativity and joy. Indicated for nervous system alterations, exhaustion, intranquility and depression.

€13.50 Price

Turmalina Rosa 15 ml.

Its warm pink tones tonify the heart, develop our ability to love and help us discover the true meaning of devotion and sacrifice. It's from this deep love experience that we can put into practice

€13.50 Price

Turmaline Multicolor (Sandy) 15 ml.

It balances the polarity (the ying-yang) and allows us to better assume our male duality -femenine. It eliminates guilt and confusion at the sexual level and provides security and harmony. Reintegrates the scattered energies to the corresponding meridians

€13.50 Price

Zircon 15 ml.

It has very quiet waves and brings patience to listen to other people.

€13.50 Price