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These 71 essences have been made with Australian boke flowers, by Ian White. Australian lands possess powerful and vibrant energies, which have not been weakened by civilization, war or pollution and are fully manifested in the healing properties of their plants.


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Alpine Mint Bush 15 ml.

Charitable essence for people who emotionally give too much of themselves and tend to be responsible for others. Weary people of life.

€15.50 Price

Angelsword 15 ml.

Lobelia gibbosaInterference with the true spiritual connection to the Higher Self. Possession or spiritual confusion.

€15.50 Price

Autumn Leaves 15 ml.

It allows the person to listen, see and feel the communication from the “other side”, because it opens to the guide and communication. It also enhances the sense of letting go, letting go and moving in change to deeper levels.

€15.50 Price

Banksia Robur 15 ml.

Banksia roburBaja en energía, desaliento, abatimiento, frustración.

€15.50 Price

Bauhinia 15 ml.

Lysiphyllum cunninghamiiResistance to change; stiffness.

€15.50 Price

Billy Goat Plum 15 ml.

Planchonia careyaInability to enjoy sex; sexual repugnance, physical aversion.

€15.50 Price

Bluebell 15 ml.

Wahlenbergia.Emotionally closed; fear of lack, greed, stiffness.

€15.50 Price

Boab 15 ml.

Adansonia grogorii.

€15.50 Price

Bottlebrush 15 ml.

Callistemon linearisAbrumed by important changes in life. Adolescence, paternity, pregnancy, old age, death.

€15.50 Price

Calophyllum 15 ml.

Leadership, connection, resilience, determination, approach

€15.50 Price

Christmas Bell 15 ml.

Christmas is the period of the year associated with the joy of giving and receiving, not only love, but also of the material realm. This remedy helps to have mastery in the physical plane and in the administration of possessions. It's also very beneficial.

€15.50 Price

Clean 15 ml.

Help the person in the transit of death. It provides the necessary consciousness to seek the light and go to it. The alternative to the light, for the person who is leaving, is to remain linked to the earth on the astral plane, that to what

€15.50 Price

Dog Rose of de Wild Forces 15 ml.

For people with great fear of losing total control of their actions, when they experience strong emotions. For physical pain without apparent cause. Favors emotional balance, control of emotions and contact with the mind

€15.50 Price

Emergency 15 ml.

Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew, Waratah, and Crowea.

€21.00 Price

Five Corners 15 ml.

Styphelia triflora.Low self-esteem, especially in the physical body, self-happiness, introverted personality, grey clothing and lack of color. Love and self-acceptance; celebration of one's own beauty, joy.

€15.50 Price

Flanel Flower 15 ml.

Actinotus helianthi. Disappointed to be touched, phobia to open spaces (agoraphobia), lack of sensitivity in men. Tenderness and sensitivity in contact, opening, expression of feelings, trust, enjoyment in physical activity.

€15.50 Price

Freshwater Mangrove 15 ml.

Barringtonia acutangula. Heart closed due to expectations or prejudices that have been taught, not personally experienced. Opening to new experiences, people and changes in perception.

€15.50 Price

Green Essence 15 ml.

Cleans the body of parasites and organisms of a fungal nature (not to use at the same time in a topical and oral way)

€15.50 Price

Green Spider Orchid 15 ml.

Caladenia dilatato. Pesadillas and phobias that come from past experiences or past lives. Intense negative reactions to the view of the blood. Telepathic communication, ability to retain information until the appropriate time.

€15.50 Price

Gymea Lily 15 ml.

Doryanthes excelsa. Arrogant, call attention, status and glamour. Dominant personality and avasalladora. Humility, allowing others to express and contribute. Consciousness, appreciation and noting others.

€15.50 Price

Hibbertia 15 ml.

Hibbertia pedunculata.Fanatism of self-development, addiction to acquiring knowledge, excessive self-discipline; superiority. Satisfaction with one's own knowledge, acceptance and use.

€15.50 Price

Illawara Flame Tree 15 ml.

Brachychiton acerifolius.Miedus of responsibility, overwhelming sense of rejection. Trust yourself, commitment, strength, self-confidence, self-approval.

€15.50 Price

Isopogon 15 ml.

Isopogon anethifolius. Bad memory, inability to learn from past experiences, senility, controlling and manipulative personality. Capacity to learn from past experiences, recovery of forgotten capacities, relationship without

€15.50 Price

It's 15 ml.

Crowea saligna

€15.50 Price

Kapok Bush 15 ml.

Cochlospermum phraseri. Apathy, resignation, discouragement, indifference. Good will, application. Try to test; persistence; perception.

€15.50 Price

Little Flannel Flower 15 ml.

Actinotus minor. Rejection of the little part of personality; seriousness in children. Promote the game and joviality, without control.

€15.50 Price

Mint Bush 15 ml.

Prostanthera striatiflora. Perturbation, confusion, spiritual emergency. Initial confusion in spiritual initiation. Soft spiritual initiation. Clarity, calm, capacity to cope.

€15.50 Price

Monga Waratah 15 ml.

This essence can help people find their inner strength. It treats negative conditions of lack of personal power, of being too needy, of not feeling strong enough, of feeling unable to do things alone, of

€15.50 Price

Old Man Banksia 15 ml.

Banksia serrata. Laziness, pletoric, low in energy, discouraged, down; frustrated. Enjoy life, energy, enthusiasm, interest in life

€15.50 Price

Peach Flowered Tea Tree 15 ml.

Leptospermum squarrosum. Mood changes, lack of obligation and fulfillment of projects, hypochondriacs; easily boring. Emotional balance; project compliance; trust and responsibility in your own health.

€15.50 Price

Philothecca 15 ml.

Philotheca salsolifolia. Inability to accept recognition, excessive generosity. Ability to receive love and knowledge; ability to admit praise.

€15.50 Price

Pink Flannel Flower 15 ml.

This flower fundamentally deals with the energy of the heart, which is not surprising if its pink center is observed. It helps to reach a state of gratitude for all aspects of our lives and for what we experience. The Pink

€15.50 Price

Red Grevillea 15 ml.

Grevillea speciosa. Feeling of hypersensible paralysis, affected by criticism and anti-pathic people, too confident in others.Audacity, strength to get out of unpleasant situations, indifference to criticisms of others.

€15.50 Price

Red Helmet Orchid 15 ml.

Corybas dilatatus. Rebel, impetuous, selfish.Sensibility, respect, consideration.

€15.50 Price

Red Lily 15 ml.

Nelumbo nucifera. With your feet on earth, focused, living in the present.The Lily Network is the same flower as the Sacred Lotus in the Buddhist tradition.It's the same flower as the Sacred Lotus in the earth. That's it.

€15.50 Price

Red Suva Frangipani 15 ml.

For people with affective deficiencies; feelings of sadness for rupture or loving loss. Psychosomatic pictures with anxiety, continuous crying and insomnia. Develop inner peace, restore lost joy and courage to face and

€15.50 Price

Rough Bluebell 15 ml.

Trichodesma zeylanicum. Deliberately hurtful, manipulative, explosive or malicious. Compassion, liberation from one's inherent love vibration. Sensitivity

€15.50 Price

Sidney Rose 15 ml.

It is a symbol of the vibration of love, and the healing quality of this essence is to realize and know, at a deep level of heart, not merely spiritual that there is no separation between us, that we are all having experiences

€15.50 Price

Silver Princess 15 ml.

Eucalyptus caesia. Without purpose, depressed, feeling of depression, lack of direction. Motivation, direction, purpose of life. .

€15.50 Price

Southern Cross 15 ml.

Xanthosia rotundifolia. Mentality of the victim, complaining, bitter, martyr, conscience of poverty. Personal power, taking responsibility, positivism.

€15.50 Price

Spinifex 15 ml.

Triodia. Physical diseases, herpes; fine cuts, sense of being a victim of disease. It gives power through emotional understanding to heal the physical.

€15.50 Price

Sturt Desert Rose 15 ml.

Gossypium Sturtianum. Guilt, low self-esteem, easily led. Courage, conviction, truth toward oneself; integrity.

€15.50 Price

Sundew 15 ml.

Drosera spathulata. This essence is for people who are vague and indecent and do not pay attention to details. For those who tend to "divide" easily, especially if there is work to do. This essence will keep them

€15.50 Price

Sunshine Wattle 15 ml.

Terminalis space. Stopped in the past; expectation of sad, hopeless future. Optimism; acceptance of beauty and joy in the present, expectation.

€15.50 Price

Tall Mulla Mulla 15 ml.

Mulla Ptilotus helipteroides. Lonely, afraid to mix with others. Avoid and feel stressed by confrontation. Relaxation and security by being with other people. It encourages social interaction.

€15.50 Price

Tall Yellow Top 15 ml.

Senecio magnificus. Alienation. solitude. isolation. Feeling to belong, acceptance of the self and others, to know that one is in his "home".

€15.50 Price

Turkey Bush 15 ml.

Calytrix exstipulata. Creative blocking, decreasing one's own creative capacity. Inspired creativity, creative expression, focus; renews artistic consciousness.

€15.50 Price

Waratah 15 ml.

Telopea speciosissima.

€15.50 Price

Wedding Bush 15 ml.

Ricinocarpus pinifolius. Difficulty engagement in the relationship. Commitment on relationships, dedication to the purpose of life.

€15.50 Price

Wild Potato Bush 15 ml.

Solanum quadriloculatum. Exhausted, physically imposibilitated.Move in life, freedom, vitality.

€15.50 Price

Wisteria 15 ml.

Wisteria sinensis. Frigidity, sexual hysteria, "male machismo" Enjoy sexual, openness; tenderness.

€15.50 Price

Yellow Cowslip Orchid 15 ml.

Caladenia flava. Critic, judge, bureaucratic; rezone. Humanitarian interest, imparcility, construction. Deep sense of arbitration.

€15.50 Price